Creo que te libras de momento, @Okatora
. Esto dicen las instrucciones de Casco Mistrall (las he encontrado en su web):
For safety reasons and depending on the intensity of use, equestrian helmets should be replaced 3-5 years after their first use. The helmet is designed so that on impact, some of the force will be dampened by the partial destruction of the helmet shell, or the safety padding, or both. This damage may not be visible, and so the helmet should be discarded after impact and replaced with a new one.
For safety reasons and depending on the intensity of use, equestrian helmets should be replaced 3-5 years after their first use. The helmet is designed so that on impact, some of the force will be dampened by the partial destruction of the helmet shell, or the safety padding, or both. This damage may not be visible, and so the helmet should be discarded after impact and replaced with a new one.
Por menos también los hay buenos... Superado un mínimo, el precio solo lo justifican la marca y el diseño —no tanto la seguridad, ligereza, comodidad, etc. — creo yo.ahora son 400 y pico solo para empezar a hablar