Buscador chip caballo

Some hispano-arabs look very PRE, I have one at home.
But they are still very compact, small, short neck, high set tail, a lot of energy…

I don’t think she is hispano-arab, at least not 50-50. She just looks like a normal homebred PRE.
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Reacciones: Liedza

Esta es el libro del hispano arabe por probar no pierdes nada

Por que el viaje desde el sur de españa hasta los paises bajos tiene que salir un numero. Gastarse eso en una potra de 4 años mestiza. Es raro.
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Reacciones: Liedza
@ SiL
desafortunadamente no arroja ningún resultado de búsqueda. Pero gracias por la sugerencia :)
You would get surprised. I have seen going horses that are worth less than the transport.
And this mare had issues that needed work to start with. Maybe someone felt sorry for her, it would not wonder me.
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Reacciones: Liedza
She is amazing! Just sanded the message hopeful there answers in no time! Som of them said they will Ask at their breeding centers but she is a beauty and a one of a kind! you should feel proud she is amazing!
Hi there! I was wondering if you have heard anything from your contacts. :)
Hi there! I was wondering if you have heard anything from your contacts. :)
Hi! Someone actually responded admiring her beauty and that he had seen the same one on an action, after that the person was kicked out because of inappropriate language. So I don’t know anything about it.
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