articulo de "doma perversa" en revista St. Georg&a

se me van occurriendo otros usos para dichas poleas, pero esta vez para el mala bestia que los inventó y los inconscientes que los usan.
el imagen que ha puesto enibas, parece a los passage sacado por los que inician via trote español,
Es una "L" de Lesión ó de Lo sentimos pero el caballo ya no puede con las pencas

Con el vídeo quería decir que Partout es un caballo con el mismo entrenamiento y yo no veo en su passage ese gesto.
Efectivamente no se está hablando del jinete, sino del caballo, pero debemos de enterder la fijeza del asiento no como algo estático encima de algo que se mueve, la fijeza debe de entenderse como el acompañamiento del movimiento para evitar que éste perjudique al del caballo en la ejecución de lo que le estamos pidiendo.
Me parece un buen passage, aunque en mi opinión como los de Invasor ninguno.

Feliz Navidad
Vini, vas a esta página:
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Isaka... en horse gate una chica sugiere lo siguiente...

coger a Anky y su marido.. ( y cia por supuesto.. pero en aquel topic rematan a Anky... o mejor dicho a su marido y anky va de paquete)
meterles un bocado y un filete en la boca
tirar bien la cabeza " abajo y largo" estilo Rollkur/Jansen
( para flexionar cuello y espalda, y remeter patas)
morder bien el pechito

Y SUBIR EL MATTERHORN ASI :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

seguro que ambos tienen sufficiente con la colina suave a lado de su casa en Hollanda...jajajaja
pero me lo imagino... y vamos me tiro de risa :D :D
seguro que no "enrollan" mas

esperamos finales del mes la decision de Janssen y sus 2 amigas .. a ver si les dan la mayoria en la FEI...
no entiendo como admiten a Jansen en un comite donde claramente toma decisiones a favor de su mujer....
maldita politica :rolleyes: :cry: :cry: :cry:
¿Alguién me puede mandar unas fotos donde poder ver eso de las poleas dichosas?
Me gustaría que leyerais esto... Lo siento, pero ahora mismo no tengo tiempo de traducirlo. Creo que es muy interesante. Lo he puesto aquí porque ya hay como millones de temas abiertos sobre el Rollkur, y así evitamos abrir otro:

FEI workshop on the use of over bending (rollkur) in FEI competition (30/01/2006)

Tomorrow an FEI workshop on "The use of over bending (Rollkur) in FEI Competition" takes place in Lausanne (Switserland). Members of the FEI veterinary and dressage committee will participate in this workshop. Among the speakers at this workshop are well-known veterinary surgeons from all over the world. To mention just a few contributions: Dr. Andrew McLean, Dr Paul McGreevy and Prof. Leo Jeffcott zoom in on equtation and learning theory in their contribution. Dr Eric van Breda will present research on the amount of stress experienced by horses ridden in the rollkur system. Dr Emile Welling discusses results of a radiological study investigating the cervical region of a great number of horses. Prof. Frank Ödberg will talk about schooling principles and welfare. Sjef Janssen will also speak at this workshop. In his contribution he will present his view on rollkur as a training aid for dressage competition.

No proof that welfare is at stake when riding 'low, round and deep' (31/01/2006)

The Dutch delegation present at the FEI workshop on "The use of over bending in FEI competition" was pleased with the outcome of the research carried out in preparation to this workshop. One of the first conclusions to be drawn at the workshop was related to the negative association that the terms 'over bending' and 'rollkur' have. Hence a new term was introduced: ‘hyperflexion’. Furthermore it was concluded that the real welfare problem in the equestrian world are the incompetent riders and trainers who use techniques reserved to professionals.
None of the scientists had proof that the technique of low, round and deep riding has a negative effect on the horse. Veterinary Emile Welling showed radiological images of the two olympic champions Bonfire and Salinero. The radiological images showed not a single abnormality, not even on the images of 23-year old Bonfire. Sjef Janssen explained that the low and deep training position is just one of the many methods/tools he uses in training a horse. The how, why and how much are always indicated by the horse itself.

No proof that welfare is at stake when riding 'low, round and deep' (31/01/2006)

A most productive workshop was held on 31 January 2006 at the Olympic Museum and jointly organised by the Dressage and Veterinary Committees. The point of this meeting is to reassure the “Dressage Community” that the controversial issue of “Rollkur” (overbending) is being addressed by highly experienced experts from the equine world.

The workshop included presentations and reports on this controversial training technique and its possible side-effects that may affect the welfare of the horse. It also included a review of the need for applied research.

Approximately 60 participants, including riders, trainers, stewards, veterinarians, and members of the Dressage, Veterinary Committees and Welfare Sub-Committee attended the workshop.

Objectives of the Forum
- Review the techniques of training horses
- Consider possible welfare implications
- Pros’ and cons’ from experts
- Better understanding of the biomechanics and kinematics involved in this degree of neck movement
- Reports on clinical side effects or sequelae from long term use of the technique
- Discuss possible research programmes
- Produce a report for the FEI to be able to plan the best way forward.

Further to presentations of different preliminary research projects in the field of exercise physiology, radiology, biomechanics and schooling, the meeting reached the preliminary conclusion that, when applied by skilled trainers, there was no scientific evidence that this training method was abusive to the horse. There was clearly none evidence that no structural damage is created by this training exercise, when used in the right way by expert riders.

However, the use of that technique by inexperienced people was a possible threat to the welfare of the horse. The role of top dressage riders as role models in the sport was underlined.

Most of the participants agreed that the terminology “Rollkur” was not comprehensible and decided it would be better to use a term which could be understood by riders, trainers and the general public. After an extensive discussion, it was proposed that the draft wording might be “hyperflexion of the neck” and a draft definition to this was established as follows:

Hyperflexion of the neck is a technique of working/training to provide a degree of longitudinal flexion of the mid-region of the neck. Hyperflexion cannot be self-maintained by the horse for an extended period of time.

As far as the FEI is concerned, the welfare and humane treatment of horses at FEI competitions, including the training areas and stables is paramount.

Next steps:
- a more detailed definition of what is to be considered as abuse is required, e.g. stress factors, pain or discomfort.
- Education of stewards to identify possible abuse and misuse of this technique, which is not restricted to dressage.
- Veterinary and Dressage Committee and Welfare Sub-Committee will review the state of knowledge, submit a report of the meeting to the FEI and decide which scientific research is further needed.

Fuente: FEI website
Further to presentations of different preliminary research projects in the field of exercise physiology, radiology, biomechanics and schooling, the meeting reached the preliminary conclusion that, when applied by skilled trainers, there was no scientific evidence that this training method was abusive to the horse. There was clearly none evidence that no structural damage is created by this training exercise, when used in the right way by expert riders.

However, the use of that technique by inexperienced people was a possible threat to the welfare of the horse. The role of top dressage riders as role models in the sport was underlined.

He escogido estas dos parafos por ser los mas interesantes y alli va mi traduccion.

A continuacion de las distintas presentaciones de los preliminares de los distintos projectos de investigación en los campos de fisiologia del ejercicio, radiologia, biomechanica y entrenamiento, se llegó a la conclusión en la reunión que este metodo de entrenamiento (rollkur), cuando es aplicado por "entrenadores expertos", no existe evidencia scientifica que este metodo de entrenamiento es abusivo para los caballos. Esta claro que no hay pruebas de que hay daños estructurales causados por este ejercicio de entrenamiento cuando se "aplica en la forma correcta por jinetes expertos".
Sinembargo, el uso de esta tecnica por gente con poca experiencia significa una amenza posible para el bienestar del caballo. Y se pone emphasis en el hecho que que los jinetes de doma mas importantes sirven de ejemplo a los que se dedican a este deporte.

Vamos en otras palabras... que si lo hace Anky, Isabell, Nicole y los que estan en la cumbre . no pasa nada... pero si lo aplica cualquier otro entonces puede ser perjudicial

Hay que acordarse que esto es el resumen de la reunión donde hubo muchos veterinarios, algunos de los cuales sabemos estaban totalmente en contra.
Pero mejor esto que nada, que se reconozca que es perjudicial se lo realiza un jinete o un entrenador inexperto.
Entonces señores. Quien decide o que baremos hay para decidir su un jinete o entrenador es o no es experto?

"Next steps:
- a more detailed definition of what is to be considered as abuse is required, e.g. stress factors, pain or discomfort.
- Education of stewards to identify possible abuse and misuse of this technique, which is not restricted to dressage.
- Veterinary and Dressage Committee and Welfare Sub-Committee will review the state of knowledge, submit a report of the meeting to the FEI and decide which scientific research is further needed. "

Proximos paso:
- definir con mas detalle lo que se considera "un abuso", e.g. factores de estress, dolor o incomodidad
- Educar a los jueces de pista para identificar posibles abusos y mal uso de esta tecnica (roll-kur), que no solo se limita a la doma clasica (hace años que lo hacen en salto).
- Los comites de veterinaria, doma y sub comité del bienestar del caballo revisaran los conocimientos del metodo actuales, y entregaran un informe de la reunion al FEI y decidiran si se require de mas investigacion cientifica o no.
con el zorro en el gallinero como vais a pensar que las gallinas se atreven de hacer ruido???? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

sin mas comentarios ni cambios mios de pensar o opinion...

si lo hace Anky esta bien si o hace isaka/Anna/Maria/Marta/ enibas etc..ç
esta mal??

que se vayan al cuerno... todo esto es politica no equitacion... :rolleyes:
Enibas, por supuesto que si lo hago yo estará mal, de eso no tengas la menor duda! Si ya lo hago mal haciéndolo normal... xD

Y hombre, si esas personas han ganado lo que han ganado... por alguna razón será.

Supongo que es como todo, bien utilizado o mal utilizado...
Regístrate ahora y pasa a formar parte de la mayor comunidad de aficionados a los caballos en español.

Cuéntanos tus experiencias, o planteanos tus preguntas. Entre todos intentaremos ayudarte.

¡Y lo mejor de todo es que es grátis!